We would like to inform all members of a new regulation which the Ghana Standards Authority will be implementing as part of the Ghana Conformity Assessment Programme (G-CAP).This programme is aimed at ensuring that specific products imported into the Ghanaian market meet the requirements of the technical regulations and standards set by the GSA and are of the required health and safety standard for the population and protection of the environment.
It is carried out by authorized third-party independent service providers, on an ‘Exporter Pays concept’ and consists of physical inspection together with laboratory testing, documentary review and factory audits.
The programme will be implemented from 1st October, 2014 and all subjected products shipped into the country without a Certificate of conformity (CoC) shall attract a penalty of 30% of the cost of goods imported to be levied by the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA). Please find above a summary of the Product Conformity assessment process.