At the meeting CQR members were given a personal demonstration of the FreightViewer- the new Freight Rate Management Software created to provide instant online door to door quotations 24/7

Phuket, 4th April 2019: Conqueror Freight Network, the largest exclusive network in the world, brought together more than 120 attendees representing over 50 countries in Phuket, Thailand, from 2nd to 4th of April.
The Annual Meeting offered plenty of networking opportunities with the scheduled one-to-one meetings of the members together with all the unofficial business discussions held in course of the cocktail party, lunch, dinner and coffee breaks. Some of the crowning moments of the meeting included a Welcome Cocktail reception and a Gala Dinner Party at a beachfront restaurant where the agents got to live it up after a day of face to face meetings.
“The meeting gave our members a chance to meet each other, promote their business and discuss matters face to face which is undoubtedly much more productive and congenial than months of discussions over video calls or emails. It was indeed great to be back at Phuket- the place where we started off our very first Annual Conference back in 2012!” says Antonio Torres, President, and Founder of Conqueror Freight Network.
Additionally, the technological challenges faced by independent forwarders and the issues related to the logistics industry were addressed in the course of the two and a half days of the meeting. Conqueror’s team has taken this opportunity to show the new improvements they have made in the software they are working on: Freight Viewer – which will allow agents to receive and send quotations 24/7.
As stated by one of the attending members, “It is very satisfying to see that Conqueror Freight Network’s team is investing in a future for us, the freight forwarders, with innovative tools such as FreightViewer. All our work processes are being more and more digitalized and we can’t be left behind,”