This is one story for anyone who thinks that attending a network annual meeting will make no difference to their business volume, because if ever there was evidence to the contrary, this is it!

ACL Logistics (Oslo) and Francargo (Rio de Janeiro) were both represented at the 2nd Annual Conqueror Meeting this May and in the words of Guilherme Salera from Rio, what occurred “…was the founding of a wonderful partnership.”

Guilherme continues the story. “After the meeting, we remained in close contact with our partners Kjell Westby and Arild Olsen from ACL Logistics whom had mentioned a possible partnership shipping some goods strictly in the Petro Sector originating in Brazil. In late May, our first breakthrough came with what, in the beginning, was supposed to be an ocean shipment, but because of the tight deadlines, became an oversized urgent air shipment. The project originated in Siemens, Brazil and its destination was the Kanfa Group in Norway/ Denmark.
“The shipment really was a sight to behold; a gigantic 7 x 2,5m tank with many other parts that assembled into an imposing platform with a volume of 16 tons. Between ourselves in Rio and our partners in Norway, we were able to complete the shipment in a swift and timely manner.

“What´s even better, was the impression left on the Exporter and Importer regarding our partnership merits, such as fast communication and coordination from both ends, earning us their trust not only for this shipment, but also for others to come.
“We are tremendously grateful to ACL LOGISTICS and CONQUEROR for this partnership and business opportunity.”