In April 2012, CQR Lima was chosen to handle the shipment of a mineral crusher from Callao, Peru to San Antonio, Chile by the international engineering company, Sandvik del Peru

As well as being of a colossal size, a mineral crusher with its magnet is also a colossal weight. In this case 51 tons! It is obvious from the pictures that it is a self-propelled shipment and the best way to move a shipment like this is by Ro/Ro, which is exac tly what International Freight
Shipping SAC (IFS) did with the shipping line Transmeridian.

IFS explained to CQR Head Office that the shipping of a mineral crusher doesn’t come along all that often, however the shipping of project cargo does. Project Cargo is one area, along with LCL and FCL that CQR Lima specialises in.
To find out more about CQR Lima, contact Reynir Gislason on or click here.