Alpha Shipping, Conqueror’s exclusive agent in Durban and Johannesburg, specializes in the shipment of many different types of cargoes including explosives, IMO Class 1. Last month, the team sent a number of these shipments to remote mines in Mali, Burkina Faso and Mauretania. The shipping of such cargo is not for the faint-hearted or those laid-back about time!

The process began with the checking and re-checking of documents before the containers were packed in special wood-lined 20 foot GP containers and inspected by the South Africa Maritime Authority (SAMSA).
When completed, the process of organising the railing of the explosive containers on a special block train from Johannesburg to an explosive yard outside Durban port could begin.
Once the vessel’s laycan was advised, CQR Durban then nominated the vessel with the port, SAMSA, the Police, and the port safety officer for final checking. Because of the experience and training the team has had they were able to advise the vessels owners on all the protocols, and certificates required. They did their job well, as permission was granted and the vessel was allowed to berth. Alpha Shipping also assisted the Master with the segregation and stowage of the containers according to the IMDG regulations.
As I mentioned at the start, time is crucial; why? Well, because the vessel can only sail during daylight hours!
If loading was not completed by 1700 hours, the vessel would have had to sail anyway, which would have resulted in short shipment. Thankfully, this was not the first time the team had done this so the process was perfectly coordinated.
We invite all members with shipments in South Africa, to get in touch with CQR Durban.