Virtual multinational network members meet in the flesh- One Stop Logistics

freight forwarders networkAn unprecedented number of delegates for a first conference, 90 in total from 40 countries, made the journey to Thailand. “Considering what other networks have managed at their initial conferences, this number is a great achievement,” said Antonio Torres, the brains behind this one of a kind freight forwarding network.

This one off Virtual Multinational is paving the way for a new generation of networks which want to mobilize independent freight forwarders to work together as global mega-forwarders.
This desire to join forces was evident at the conference as members vied for each other’s time across every aspect of the conference. “At the heart of Conqueror is mutual cooperation, explained Torres. Without it, the network simply would not function.” The 3-day conference provided over 1,600+ one-to-one meetings to enable members to strengthen this cooperation.

“One perk of Conqueror’s focus on cooperation, is that all the members do business with a give and take attitude,” said one member. “This cooperation is made even easier by each of us being the only agent in our city which, of course, cuts out all competition. What’s left is a desire to work together.”
Conqueror is aiming to set up an exclusive virtual branch in each of the 472 major cities in the 175 countries it has identified. This is clearly one of Conqueror’s charms. “I can provide global coverage, under a common global brand as if I am part of a multinational and, more importantly, work with agents I trust,” said one satisfied delegate.
“Finding reliable agents takes time,” Torres explained. “Unfortunately we were forced to postpone the initial conference as we weren’t prepared for the 1,950+ applications received requesting membership. We weren’t willing to sacrifice the quality of our agents for an earlier conference.”


Conqueror’s 1st Annual Meeting makes the news

Independent Freight and Logistics Operators Meet at First ‘Virtual Forwarders’ Conference

best freight forwarder network

THAILAND – WORLDWIDE – Freight and logistics is of course by definition the ultimate multinational business and as technology advances executives globally are becoming aware of the potential of international cooperation without the need for thousands of miles of air travel to formulate trade agreements. It was with this thought in mind that Antonio Torres first came up with the idea of what he calls a ‘Virtual Multinational’ paving the way for what he considers a new generation of networks which want to mobilize independent freight forwarders to work together as global ‘mega-forwarders.’

Interview with CQR Lima

International Freight Shipping S.A.C. is a comprehensive logistics solution provider based out of Peru. With its high-quality consultancy, project cargo, integrated logistics and NVOCC cargo consolidation services, IFS International has established a name for itself in both the domestic and international freight market.

In an interview, Yovanna Llerena, Managing Director at IFS International, reveals to us their private mantra and the secret to their success.

Q: What motivated you to enter the freight forwarding industry? How long have you been associated with IFS International?

A: The freight industry always appeared to be an area of immense potential to me. Right after finishing college, I became sure this was where I had to find my career path!

I established IFS 12 years ago and I have never looked back!

Q: How do you think IFS International is different from other freight companies in Peru?

A: I think what distinguishes us from other freight companies in Peru, is the fact that we offer high-quality consultancy, paired with excellent logistics services. We also exploit technology to the utmost and are always on the lookout for novel innovations.

Q: What kind of shipment does your company mostly handle?

A: While we handle all kinds of shipments, IFS has carved a niche for itself in dealing with LCL and Project cargo.

Q: How important do you think the value of “trust” is for your organization? How do you ensure IFS lives up to the trust your clients place in you?

A: At IFS, we put a lot of emphasis on the “human” factor, which means we don’t see our clients as customers with needs to be met but as people who place their “trust” in us. It then becomes imperative for us to live up to that trust.

All the staff at IFS work with immense “co-operation” to keep this trust intact and that is why we have a 24/7 working environment, where a client can get in touch with our staff at any time

Q: How do you ensure that quality is maintained in all services provided by IFS International?

A: To ensure maximum quality control, we keep our infrastructure equipped with the most up-to-date communication system. This aids us in exercising maximum control over all procedures, while also helping us to provide excellent customer service.

Q: Your website claims that IFS employs stringent security policies. Can you elaborate more on this and also explain why this is so important?

A: The Latin American freight market has a complex structure and plenty of room for loopholes in security.

We need efficient security policies to be able to provide high-quality yet extremely secure services. For this reason, we keep our security policies up-to-date at all times, while also performing regular internal audits. Our BASC certification also assists a lot in this regard.

With such fool-proof security and quality control policies, IFS International is guaranteed to climb higher up the ladder of success. But what is sure to keep them gaining maximum mileage in the race for better business, is their devotion to their customers who, for them, aren’t just people but, as Yovanna Llerena puts it, people who place their “trust” in IFS International!

international logistics


Flooded by Applications, Conqueror Network Streamlines Process – 3PL NEWS

Monday, 25 October 2010 22:12. George Zafirov. Third Party Logistics – 3PL

Madrid, Spain, October 25. – Staggering under an avalanche of mail, the new Conqueror freight forwarders network has drastically simplified its membership application procedure. Applicants now must complete a single form, available on, and extra staff has been hired to deal with the backlog.

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“We had a bigger response than we bargained for, and in our zeal to identify the most qualified candidates, we had asked for too much information and too many documents,” admits Antonio Torres, who designed the network of selected independent forwarders to operate like a “virtual multinational”, with exclusive territories, internal disciplined, and a single brand.

Read the full article at:

Conqueror Launch Makes Big Waves

Madrid, Spain, Sept. 23 – Less than a week after launch, the recruitment drive for the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarders alliance has already netted scores of pre-applications and hundreds of website hits and requests for information.

“We are very encouraged by the response,” said Antonio Torres, himself a veteran freight forwarder and mastermind of the new Conqueror network, whose members will be obliged to work with each other on at least half of their shipments. “Our launch was reported widely in the specialized press, and seems to have become a talking point in the industry.” This response from forwarders, Torres said, “is making us optimistic about our chances of meeting our first objective, which is to have the 60 most important cities covered within six months. That would already put us ahead of many of the medium-sized multinationals. Our target for the first year is to have 90-100 agents.”

Unlike other networks, Conqueror is designed to operate like a mega-forwarder, with exclusive territories, internal discipline, rules governing business relations between members, and a global brand.

“Some forwarders have complained about the paperwork involved in the application process,” Torres said. “This is because most other networks accept anyone who pays. We charge nothing for the first six months, and while we are prepared to be flexible, we can only accept applicants who meet reasonably high standards. Our whole business model is based on this.”

“It’s true that our entry barriers are high, and that we require evidence of solvency, reputation, business volume, and good credit,” Torres said. “But how else can we be certain that our members have the quality we are promising to all our other members and to shippers around the world?”

“We’re not like other networks,” he added. “Our members will have exclusive territories, and they will be assured of substantial increases in business volume, and many other advantages. Other networks ‘recommend’ cooperation, but we demand it –although our members can still use their old agents for half their shipments,” he explained.

“Most other networks take your money and give you little or nothing in return. We only ask you to show your qualifications to join what we call ‘the aristocracy of freight forwarders’. At the end of the six months, you will know whether you want to remain in this alliance, and we will know whether you are fulfilling your responsibilities as a member. No money will change hands until then. I don’t see how we can make it any easier, safer, or more transparent than that!”

One forwarder expressed doubts that Conqueror would manage to negotiate lower rates from carriers for its members, who retain their independence. “We answered by comparing Conqueror to a franchise, like Burger King, which is correctly perceived as a multinational chain by both customers and suppliers, though its establishments may be locally owned,” Torres said. “Conqueror is going to show that by working together under one brand, the best independents can beat the mega-forwarders at their own game!”

‘Conqueror’ forwarder network to operate like multinational – Logistics Handling

September 22, 2010

A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a ‘virtual multinational’, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players

Applications are being accepted to join the Conqueror Freight Network, in which carefully selected members will work with each other on at least 50% of their shipments and follow other rules to maximize the benefits of “disciplined cooperation”, enabling them to compete against the largest forwarding groups.

Read the full article at:


Arriva la multinazionale virtuale – Transporto Europa

Data: 16 settembre 2010 @ 13:20:18 CEST. Argomento: Logistica

Less than a week after launch, the recruitment drive for the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarders alliance has already netted scores of pre-applications and hundreds of website hits Conqueror Network and requests for information.

Read the full article at:

World’s first ‘virtual multinational forwarder’ – LLOYD’S

A new freight forwarding network that will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory co-operation among members, a single worldwide brand and exclusive territories, claims it will provide advantages currently enjoyed only by the biggest players, writes Kizzi Nkwocha.

best freight forwarder networkIFW has been told that applications are being accepted to join Madrid-based Conqueror Freight Network, in which carefully selected members will work with each other on at least 50% of their shipments to maximise the benefits of “disciplined co-operation”.

Read the full article at:

“Conqueror” Forwarder Network to Operate Like multinational – Press Release Point

A New Freight Network in Spain Plans to Help the Best Independent Agencies Recover Lost Market freight forwarders networkShare.

Madrid, Spain, September 15, 2010 — A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players.

Read the full article at:


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