Conqueror Cairo delivers a sensitive and high-value shipment

MGL Cargo Services was in charge of all port and custom related formalities, and port handling in Alexandria

MGL Cargo Services, the Conqueror member in Cairo, Egypt has recently moved a highly sensitive and high-value shipment to a special security site in the Desert Road of Alexandria. The most sensitive and valuable piece of cargo which weighed 24,000 Kg was moved in a 1x 40’ roll-trailer. A generator weighing 15,200 kg and a chiller weighing 6,200 kg were loaded onto 2 x 40’ FR, OH and 2 buffer tanks weighing 1,200 kg each were loaded in one 40’ flat rack container.

international logistics service provider
international logistics service provider

The trucks in which the cargo was moved were equipped with GPS and live tracking facilities and throughout the journey, the cargo was closely attended by Special Armed forces. “The entire volume of the shipment was accommodated on 3 low bed + 2 trailers while arrangements were made for special lashing and security belts were provided. Our team was in charge of port handling in Alexandria, truck transport up to the site, all related port and customs formalities and supervision of the process of unloading and installation on the site of delivery.” says Mr. Marc Gharabawi, the Executive Director of MGL Cargo Services.

Congratulations to MGL Cargo Services for the impeccable handling of this sensitive cargo!

Lufthansa Cargo is closely cooperating with Brussels Airlines Cargo to complement their individual businesses

The mutual cooperation between the 2 companies would allow the Brussels Airlines Cargo customers to easily access the international route network of Lufthansa Cargo

Lufthansa Cargo has taken over the task of marketing of the cargo facilities of Brussels Airlines and customers are already able to book a shipment with a departure from 1st September onward. The collaboration is expected to reap a host of benefits foremost among which is the easy access of clients to more than 300 cities in over 100 countries which form a part of Lufthansa Cargo’s international route network.

As stated by Dorothea von Boxberg, “Thanks to the close cooperation between Brussels Airlines and Lufthansa Cargo, our customers benefit from numerous new connections and destinations. We are very pleased that our worldwide network is thus becoming even more comprehensive and stronger,”

air freight and logistics services
air freight and logistics services

Customers of Lufthansa will now enjoy route networks in 15 new territories in various parts of Africa.

According to Reinout Puissant, Global Platform Manager of Brussels Airlines Cargo, “Our close cooperation with Lufthansa Cargo results in a real win-win situation for both companies and our customers. As Africa specialist, we add new destinations to the portfolio of Lufthansa Cargo and from a Brussels Airlines perspective, we can now make even better use of our freight capacity”.

CQR Antwerp take over the 50% of ATO terminal shares in port of Antwerp

CQR Antwerp successfully completes acquisition of the ATO terminal in partnership deal with NMBS LOGISTICS

VAN MOER LOGISTICS, Our CQR member in Antwerp, has taken the next step in its intermodal transport strategy with the purchasing of ATO terminal in the Port of Antwerp, in collaboration with NMBS LOGISTICS. The agreement between the two firms, announced last Friday, means that VAN MOER will takeover 50% of the terminal port.

logistics companies and suppliers
logistics companies and suppliers

The ATO terminal covers almost 175,000 square-metres and processes over 500,000 TEU’s per year along its ½ kilometre-long quay. With the arrival of VAN MOER LOGISTICS, this is sure to increase, while Belgian malt producer BOORMALT will be investing in additional production capacity at the 6th dock of the terminal.

VAN MOER’s barge service, iBarge, which operates daily calls at the Vilvoorde terminal, Umicore and Blue Gate, is now complete with the incorporation of the ATO terminal. Apart from servicing water-bound logistics, ATO will also function as a primary hub for the hinterland corridor.

Jo Van Moer, owner of VAN MOER, and Patrick Lecluyse, CEO, said “We are delighted with this partnership, which has allowed the synergies to reach their full potential and create the missing link in our intermodal strategy. We have found the perfect partner with Boormalt and are looking forward to their cooperation”.

We’d like to wish VAN MOER all the best with this impressive new venture!

CONQUEROR in IFW, May 2011

best logistics networkLess than four months after its debut, virtual freight forwarder group Conqueror Freight Network has launched “virtual branches” in 100 cities in 58 countries. The group said it was recruiting “strong and solvent” independent forwarders to act as “virtual branches” in each of the world’s 564 largest cities. Network Development Manager Russell Whittington said: “The idea is to equip our members with all the advantages previously enjoyed only by the mega-forwarders, including a global network of reliable agents, exclusive software to delimit territories, a payment-protected environment and even a dispute resolution service.”


New virtual multinational forwarder group now extends to 100 cities

Less than four months after its launch, the pioneering Conqueror Freight Network has “virtual branches” in 100 cities in 58 countries

This week’s acceptance of Aries Global Logistics, Inc. adds New York, Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Miami to the fast-growing network, which is designed to operate like a multinational freight forwarding group, with a single member per city.

Aries (AGL) was founded in 1985, and has 90 employees. Like all members of the Conqueror group, it was checked out by an independent auditor as part of the selection process, and it meets the highest standards of solvency, size, and reputation. To date, the network has accepted only about 16% of applicants.

Aries president Frank G. D’Ambra said he hoped membership in Conqueror “will increase our reach in markets where we are not represented,” and noted that the network “has already filled in some of the more difficult regions”.

Conqueror is recruiting strong and solvent independent forwarders to act as “virtual branches” in each of the world’s 564 largest cities. Members now have a total of more than 8,000 employees.

“We are delighted to welcome the prestigious Aries company to our group, which considerably strengthens our coverage of the United States,” said Conqueror’s network development manager Russell Whittington. “While other networks may have as many as 80 members in a single city, we have only one in each, just like the multinationals. And like them, we require that our members cooperate actively with each other, working under common rules and our worldwide brand.”

“The idea is to equip our members with all the advantages previously enjoyed only by the mega forwarders, including a global network of reliable agents, exclusive software to delimit territories, a payment-protected environment, and even a dispute resolution service,” said Whittington.

“These advantages, combined with the personalized customer service traditionally associated with independent agents, are helping our members recover lost market share,” he added.

Members pay nothing during the six-month probationary period, but those who fail to cooperate actively with other members are replaced. Quality is monitored by self-policing. Members are obliged to report all problems that arise with other members, who all have a vested interest in upholding the brand image and the network’s collective reputation.

The formula appears to be working. “Some of our member agents say they have already received more new business from Conqueror than they did in years of belonging to other networks,” said Conqueror founder Antonio Torres, himself an experienced freight forwarder.

For more information, see


For more information, please contact:

Mr. Dwight Porter
Tel. +34 91 494 58 76

Conqueror in Air Cargo World, February 2011

Forwarder network claims early successfreight forwarding

18/02/2011 2:02 pm. A month after its operational launch, Conqueror Group, which claims to be the world’s first “virtual multinational” freight forwarder network, has reported positive feedback from its first 50 members.

Conqueror founder, veteran freight forwarder Antonio Torres, said: “We are providing what medium-sized forwarders need most — partners everywhere who understand that the key to future survival and growth is genuine give-and-take cooperation in a secure payments environment.”

Torres said that when a member signs up for the service, they immediately begin a free six-month trial of the software. Until the probationary period, new members would not be identified in the public area of the network’s website.

Conqueror began accepting applications last September, and in January, its members began contacting each other to start working together. All members must agree to work with each other for about half of their shipments and follow other rules to ensure “disciplined cooperation.”

The first members operate in 50 cities in 34 countries, and they were selected for solvency, size, and reputation from among nearly 500 applicants.

Source: Aircargoworld

“Conqueror” Forwarder Network to Operate Like Multinational – GLOBALPORTS ON LINE

To help the best independent agencies recover lost market share “Conqueror” Forwarder Network to operate like multinational

logistics companies

A new high-level freight forwarders network will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory cooperation among members, a single worldwide brand, exclusive territories, and other advantages now enjoyed only by the biggest players.

Independent Forwarders Form Virtual Multinational – Export Logistics Guide

Conqueror Freight Forwarder Network

The new Conqueror Freight Network is a cooperative group of independent freight forwarders that, while retaining independence, operate as a virtual multinational freight forwarder. In other words, they provide the services formerly provided by only the largest multinational forwarders. Based in Madrid, Spain, they operate in 564 cities in 175 countries. Until now, independents have had a very difficult time competing against the largest firms because of the multinational presence of the big players, Conqueror is designed to give the independent forwarder a shot at more of that business.

Independent freight forwarders can now apply to join the Conqueror Freight Network.

World’s first ‘virtual multinational forwarder’ – IFW

Kizzi Nkwocha | mar, 14 sep 2010best freight forwarders network

Network of forwarders launched to compete against mega-players A new freight forwarding network that will operate as a “virtual multinational”, with obligatory co-operation among members, a single worldwide brand and exclusive territories, claims it will provide advantages currently enjoyed only by the biggest players.

Read the full article at:

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